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Our Approach
We organise teacher training workshops to explore hands-on STEM activities that use low-cost, locally available materials.
A lack in material resources often leave teachers feeling limited to using traditional approaches. PEN empowers teachers around the world to engage their students in hands-on science projects. We train teachers in executing these activities within the structure of traditional education programs.
Our material blends constructivist learning with design training to allow participants to discover key concepts and harness them to engage in projects relevant to their daily lives.
PEN has a special emphasis on the challenges of STEM education in the developing world – large class sizes, scarce material resources, and the novelty of interactive pedagogies.
Since 2014, we have been running workshops around Ghana with our local partners. We have been growing in numbers and reach each year!

No. 15 Afari Gyan Street, North Legon, Accra, Ghana.
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